Supervision Bielefeld Tübingen Sussex Osnabrück


Ph.D. projects
  • Arne Gollin (2014-2015): Optimal multisensory integration in autonomous robots (co-supervision), Bielefeld.
  • Arthur Legler (2012-2013): Multisensory integration in human locomotion in VR (co-supervision), Bielefeld.
M.Sc. theses
  • Lina Klein (2015) Cognitive Neuroscience, Bielefeld.
  • Gizem Altan (2014) Cognitive Neuroscience, Bielefeld.
  • Andrew Wold (2009) Cognitive Neuroscience, Tübingen.
M.Sc. research modules
  • Miriam Henning (2015) Cognitive Neuroscience (co-supervision), Bielefeld.
  • Lina Klein (2014) Cognitive Neuroscience, Bielefeld.
  • Gizem Altan (2013) Cognitive Neuroscience, Bielefeld.
  • Nicholas Del Grosso (2010) Cognitive Neuroscience (co-supervision),Tübingen.
B.Sc. theses
  • Axel Gehlen (2015) Cognitive Informatics, Bielefeld.
B.Sc. research modules
  • Anna Oppenborn (2015) Cognitive Neuroscience (co-supervision), Bielefeld.
  • Lars Plewka (2015) Cognitive Neuroscience (co-supervision), Bielefeld.
  • Leonie Greiner (2012) Cognitive Neuroscience, Bielefeld.
  • Meike Scheller (2012) Cognitive Neuroscience, Bielefeld.

University of Bielefeld   

Winter 2011 - 2015

Kognitive Informatik, B.Sc. (four weeks on Multisensory Perception and Object Recognition for computer scientists). Lecturing and marking of end of term exams.

Winter 2011 - 2014

Projektmodul Multisensorische Integration, M.Sc. One week intensive experimental lab class with lectures and seminars on sensorimotor adaptation. Curriculum design, lecturing, research supervision, assessment of student presentations.

Winter 2011/12

CITEC Summer School: Mechanisms of Attention. Experimental lab practice session.

University of Tübingen   

Summer 2010

Perception, Cognition and Behavior, Graduate School for Neuroscience, M.Sc. Guest lecture, participation in developing and marking of end of term exams.

University of Sussex   

Summer 2007

Introduction to Programming Paradigms, B.Sc. Programming for physicists. Lab classes.

Summer 2007

Principles of Programming Languages, B.Sc. Theoretical Computer Science. Taught practice sessions.

Spring 2005 - 2007

Adaptive Systems, M.Sc. Interdisciplinary class in biology, robotics and philosophy. Lecturing, seminars, robot lab class and term paper marking.

Spring 2006

Further Artificial Intelligence, B.Sc. Adaptive programming techniques (e.g., genetic algorithms). Marking of mid term and end of term assignments.

Spring 2006

Module as part of the NUCOG Seminar: Cognition, Motivation and Action, Akureyri, Iceland 10.-20.02.2006. Perception Causes Action Causes Perception: From Sensory Substitution to Situated Robotics. Curriculum Design, lecturing, term paper marking (interdisciplinary, B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D).

Winter 2004 - 2005

Animal and Machine Intelligence, M.Sc. Interdisciplinary class in biology, robotics and philosophy. Seminars and term paper marking.

Winter 2004

Formal Computational Skills, M.Sc. Leveling class in data analysis, dynamical systems theory and simulation modeling. Lab class.

University of Osnabrück (undergraduate tutor)   

Summer 2002 - 2003

PROLOG Programming in Logic, B.Sc. Taught practice sessions, marking of weekly assignments.

Winter 2001/2002

Functional Programming, B.Sc. Taught practice sessions, design and marking of weekly assignments in ML.